favorite clothing store

Friday 14 June 2013

Where to find cheap business attire for women without sacrificing quality

Haley Clark for Buyer|10. [Photograph By giovanni, (June 25, 2011),  
Adapted from  http://www.flickr.com/photos/liveloudtx/5885244661/
I hear all the time that women who are just starting out can’t afford a wardrobe to fit dress code business attire, they see this as a chicken before the egg concept; can’t get the job without the wardrobe but can’t get the wardrobe without the income from the job.

This doesn't have to be the case; Kohl’s is a great store which sells all forms of business professional attire for women, and at a very reasonable price point.

Your first thought when I say at  a reasonable price point it “but you get what you pay for”, and in most cases I would agree, but not with Kohl’s. Kohl’s is a great store because you get the low price you want, and the quality smart business attire you would expect at a higher price point. 

Kohl’s is very versatile as well, you can shop online or in store and they don't burn you on shipping charges if you shop online either. They have a very nicely laid out website making it super easy to find what you are looking for and overall it seems like a really great place to shop for proper business attire for women.

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