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Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Where to purchase good business professional attire for women?

Ever walked into a store with flamboyant business attire and enticing floral prints realizing half way in, that cute business attire for women does not really speak well with your company`s image?

Let`s face it; your company wants you to look like a serious individual with smart business attire that reflects your skills and personal accomplishments. How do you do this with stores featuring business attire exclusively targeting the younger generations with nothing left for you to consider purchasing, let alone even look at.

So, where can you buy business professional attire for women who are not looking for a cute trendy fix. The trick here is to mix and match various key pieces from separate stores based on their level of sophistication, quality and professional look. Let us look at some of the brands you are familiar with.

Figure 1.  Conservative-business-attire-ladies [Photograph] by Straight Primpin, 2013,

Zara for Women: Zara offers everything from chic and elegant to abstract and trashy. This requires your womanly touch to analyze which piece of clothing is a throw away just as you walk into the store and which piece is what I call a ``key essential`` towards your sophisticated business look. Zara offers some high quality, neatly tailored blazers which are more than capable of adding professionalism to your attire as long as you stay away from tribal patterns and abstract artwork which won`t be perceived seriously in your workplace.

Suzy Shier: Professional attire involves incorporating conservative colors. Suzy Shier offers a wide range of neatly cut
business trousers in dark colors such as; black, gray and navy blue at an affordable and reasonable price range.

They also offer a 10$ discount card for any of your further purchases. However, an initial purchase of the discount card itself is required.

Le Chateau: One of my favorite stores to shop at for business casuals is Le Chateau, but seeing that  allot of their products are targeted to the younger generations looking to invest into cute business attire this store might not be a good idea for someone aiming for a professional look. However, Le Chateau does offer a wide range of neatly tailored business pants and knee length business skirts that can be an excellent addition to your wardrobe.

Would you like to share any insights as to where you would suggest purchasing formal business attire for women?

For some of us it can be extremely hard to determine pairings for business attire's we choose to purchase. Check this out for more information on the forms of stylish business attire you can experiment with on a daily basis.

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